10 Years of Miles Morales

July 28th - August 3rd 2021


Ten years ago, on August 3rd 2011, the world was introduced to Miles Morales for the first time in Ultimate Fallout #4. Since his debut Miles has gone on to become a world wide favorite character, staring in multiple comics, cartoons, video games, and even headline his own academy award winning movie.

To mark this extremely special occasion we call upon his fans to aid us in hosting a Miles Morales week! A fandom wide event where everyone produces content to celebrate Miles Morales and his impact on the world.

How To Participate?

For each day of the week of July 28th to August 3rd we will provide a singular word to act as the theme of the day. On these days we ask fans to create and post online their creative work dedicated to Miles Morales with the hashtag:

Anything will be accepted. Fanart, fanfiction, playlists, analysis, podcasts, video edits, cosplays, etc. Even just posting comic panels and talking about why you like them is allowed. The only limit is your imagination and how you chose to interpret the word of the day.

All work using the hashtag will be retweeted to the week's host blog @weekofmiles so other fans can see and share what's been created. This is as much a celebration about Miles as it is about his fans!

Whether you've been here from the start or have just recently become a Miles fan we want your help to make this event as big as possible!

Prompt List

Day 1 - July 28th
Day 2 - July 29th
Day 3 - July 30th
Day 4 - July 31st
Day 5 - August 1st
Day 6 - August 2nd
Day 7 - August 3rd


Tag all content produced for the event with #10YearsOfMilesMorales so we can find and retweet it and so other fans can find it easily. Other tags can be included like #MilesMorales, #SpiderMan, etc. if you would like!Post your content for its intended prompt on the day it was made for so we can keep this event going all week.If you don't think that you can fulfill a creation for each day of the week that's okay! Please still share whatever you manage to create with your time.Feel free to cross post your content to other platforms such as Ao3, Tumblr, etc., Just remember to post it on Twitter with the hashtag so we can boost it!Please no nsfw content.

Thank you so much for your interest in this project! Even if you don't intend to create content for the event just sharing our info to get the word out is highly appreciated.

We hope to see you all on Miles' big anniversary on August 3rd!